This idea started as a class project and we loved it so much we kept going with it.
We have established our LLC, trademarked our business name, and in the fall, we launched an Indiegogo crowdsourcing campaign that raised over $5,000. These funds helped us start canning our drinks, and we are now selling EBTB at small local events. We continue to do product pitches and tastings. I was even selected as a finalist for a food entrepreneurship reality TV show. We plan to have EBTB on the shelves of retailers in Richmond, Virginia, by the end of 2024.
We discovered a problem, a drinking problem, but it is not what you might think. Gen Z nondrinkers and sober curious often feel left out at parties and other social gatherings because there are no good alternatives to the alcoholic beverages being served.
The Ready To Drink (RTD) beverage industry is one of the fastest-growing beverage segments. The nonalcoholic beverage market is projected to have an estimated annual growth rate of 7.65% and an estimated $1751.47 billion in revenue by 2032. However, the current mocktail industry is a weak interpretation of its cocktail counterpart. The RTD mocktails on the market often have added health benefits and mood enhancers but lack flavor and the party spirit.
Create an inclusive nonalcoholic beverage that rivals its cocktail counterpart in taste and attitude.
We conducted 1:1 interviews and focus groups, surveyed people on their drinking habits, performed taste tests with over 500 participants from the Richmond community, and did secondary research.
We found that Gen Z is drinking less than any other generation due to several physical and mental health reasons. They are unashamed of their decision not to drink and own it in a way that other generations have not. They are not letting alcohol dictate if they are having fun.

Gen Z who are sober curious or nondrinkers but still want to party.
We celebrate the nondrinkers who are proud of their decision not to drink alcohol. We created a new category of nonalcoholic beverages we are calling "shocktails" that leave people shocked that they ever felt they needed alcohol to have fun. Our line of shocktails is called Everything But the Booze (EBTB). When you are drinking EBTB, you can have all of the fun and none of the regrets.
The Design:
The current nonalcoholic beverage category has subdued and muted packaging. We created bold cans that jump off the shelves and show consumers we are here to have a good time. We have placed the EBTB logo at the top of the can for everyone to see, celebrating those who have decided not to drink.

Richmond BizSense:

Read article here
Indiegogo Press:

Shift Retail Lab Press:

My Role:
1:1 Interviews
Competitive Research
Creating and Analyzing Surveys
Desk Research
Focus Groups
Product Management
Product Pitching
Product Positioning
Product Testing
Social Listening
Social Media Calendar